A continued focus on the benefits of Go 1.24

#​540 — January 29, 2025 Unsub  |  Web Version Go Weekly Go 1.24's go tool is One of the Best Additions in Years — Go 1.24 isn’t even fully here yet (though rc2 is out) and people are already very excited. One major enhancement...

Go 1.24's `go tool` is one of the best additions to the ecosystem in years

For those that aren't aware, one of the big changes in February's upcoming Go 1.24 release is the new go tool command, and tool directive in the go.mod to manage any tools your project uses. I'm incredibly excited about this, and in my opinion, this is one of the best changes we'...

Go 1.24 Release Candidate 2

#​539 — January 22, 2025 Unsub  |  Web Version Go Weekly Go 1.24 Release Candidate 2 Released — We’re another step down the road to the eventual release of Go 1.24, and the Go team are particularly keen for you to kick the tire...

Announcing GoReleaser v2.6

Happy new year! The first release of the year is here!

Sometimes print-based debugging is your only choice

Go 1.23.5-1 and 1.22.11-1 Microsoft builds now available

A new set of Microsoft Go builds including security fixes is now available for download. The post Go 1.23.5-1 and 1.22.11-1 Microsoft builds now available appeared first on Microsoft for Go Developers.

An interactive tour of Go 1.24

#​538 — January 15, 2025 Unsub  |  Web Version Go Weekly An Interactive Tour of Go 1.24 — A list of all the significant new 1.24 features. Each is accompanied by interactive, runnable examples so you can see generic type aliases...

Accessing private Go modules in a Docker container

If you're building Docker containers which reference a private Go module, you'll likely need to work out a way to pass in credentials, so you don't have to build on your host machine. I first encountered this last March and as I've hit it again today, I thought I'm make sure I wr...

How to know when it's time to go

Leaving a job is never easy, and it’s a consequential decision. But when it’s time, it’s time. Here’s how to escape the comfort trap, and take the next step in your career.

Realizing why Go reflection restricts what struct fields can be modified