Atlas: Building with Rails and Go Microservices

Atlas is a recently announced service by HashiCorp that provides a single platform to take an application from development through to production. The complexity of the problem makes Atlas a sophisticated web service that is composed of many moving pieces.

Soy - Programmable templates for Go, Java, JS

Closure Templates (aka Soy Templates) is a client and server-side templating language developed at Google. The Go implementation exposes the the internal structure of the template (the AST).

Wrapping Git in rc shell

Wrapping Git in rc shell Introduction When Rob Pike announced the migration of Go from Mercurial and Rietveld to Git and Gerrit, like most people, I was pretty enthusiastic.

Using Pointers In Go

Introduction I am asked quite a bit about when and when not to use pointers in Go. The problem most people have, is that they try to make this decision based on what they think the performance tradeoff will be. Hence the problem, don’t make coding decisions based on unfounded t...

The Case Against Third Party Libraries

Or how I learned to stop worrying and love versionless package management If you spend any time on the golang-nuts mailing list you’ll learn that the only thing more contentious than generics is package management.

Lint your shell scripts

I will start this by quoting the bashstyle’s readme: Bash is like the JavaScript of systems programming. Although in some cases it’s better to use a systems language like C or Go, Bash is actually an ideal systems language for many smaller POSIX-oriented or command li...

Cook your own packages: Getting more out of fpm (SysAdvent)

Using a JSON File as a Database Safely in Go

There are definitely problems with using a json file as a database, but sometimes the simplicity of no extra dependencies makes it an attractive option.

Don't use junit.framework

Every once in a while I see somewhere a wrong import to the old, deprecated junit.framework instead of org.junit. I particularly believe they should remove this package and put it in a junit-compat jar or something… but, while they don’t do that, we can avoid those o...

Probabilistic Data Structures for Go: Bloom Filters

In part one, I talked about some interesting probabilistic data structures.. In part two, I will discuss a more common approximate data structure: Bloom filters and their variations.