2015 Year in Review
Looking back on 2015 has humbled us here at Gopher Academy. What an amazing year we’ve had. Let’s review some of the highlights: We’ve published dozens of community-written articles.
Looking back on 2015 has humbled us here at Gopher Academy. What an amazing year we’ve had. Let’s review some of the highlights: We’ve published dozens of community-written articles.
By now, we all know that Go is a great language for writing servers and command line tools. But what about games? Can you make desktop, web, or mobile games in Go too?
What is etcd? etcd is a distributed, consistent key-value store, written in Go. Similar to how Linux distributions typically use /etc to store local configuration data, etcd can be thought of as a reliable store for distributed configuration data.
With the release of Go 1.5, there is a new way the go tool can discover go packages. This method is off by default and the surrounding tools, such as goimports, do not understand that folder layout.
Having been a Java developer for many years, I have simply lost interest in Java and want to code everything in Go, mostly due to Go’s simplicity and performance.
I’ve been wanting to write this for a long time, just to clarify my thoughts on the subject. Now, on vacations, I took a couple of days and finally did it. This is a personal opinion based on my personal experience and tons of books I have read, and I am not, by any means,...
I maintain Anaconda, the Twitter client library for Go. There are a lot of interesting things I could write about Anaconda - for example, automatic rate-limiting and throttling using the tokenbucket library.
Quick background: What is SHIELD? SHIELD is a backup solution for Cloud Foundry and BOSH deployed services such as Redis, PostgreSQL, and Docker. (For the interested, here is a quick summary of the basics of BOSH and Cloud Foundry.
Small disclaimer: This is much more fun than it is useful For a while now, we’ve been seeing new “cloud” OSes crop up, like CoreOS and RancherOS.
GIS open source world is dominated by C/C++, Java and Python code. Libraries like PROJ4, JTS, GEOS or GDAL are at the core of most of the open source geospatial projects.