go build generates a binary for the platform you run it in. So, if I build antibody in a Linux machine - which uses Mach-O, it will not work in OS X - which uses ELF.
I wanted to distribute antibody at least for Linux and OS X, so I went out searching for how to do this in a not...
Registrations for the GopherCon’s Hack Day talks closed on the 20th of July, here are the results.
Forward After the popularity of the lightning talk sessions last year, and the huge interest the call for papers received, we expected very high demand for lightning talk slot...
With less than a month til GopherCon 2015 we’ve been hard at work on plans for the Friday 10th Hack Day. The previous year’s unofficial Friday Hack Day was so popular we decided this year to integrate it into the conference proper.
This is the first in a series of tutorials about persisting data in Go web applications.
In this post we'll be looking at SQL databases. I'll explain the basics of the database/sql package, walk through building a working application, and explore a couple of options for...
Learning Go was in my TODO list for a while, and finally I did something about it. This post contains some thoughts about it…
Before we start, I should familiarize you with antigen.
Antigen is particularly slow. With the plugins I have, it takes an eternity to load. I saw...
Friday the 10th of July is GopherCon’s Hack Day. By popular request we’re going to be running lightning talks in main theatre most of the day.
Caddy is a unique web server with a modern feature set. Think nginx or Apache, but written in Go. With Caddy, you can serve your websites over HTTP/2.
A unique Gophercon 2015 souvenir
We’re excited to announce something that we’ve been working on behind the scenes for quite a while.
As a gift to GopherCon 2015 attendees who book hotel accommodation through one of our hotel partners, on check in, you will receive o...
Congo - an upcoming Conference Management Tool While we absolutely love running GopherCon, one thing jumps out as the most troublesome aspect of managing a large conference: managing the data.
At ContaAzul, we had 31 Windows machines powering our Selenium tests - one running the grid and 30 more running clients. Needless to say, this is very expensive.
As we are already using Docker to run our builds (on Shippable), we decided to try it out to run Selenium tests too.