Data mining with Go

What is the idea behind Gopher Gala project heatingeffect? Heating Effect provides a visual representation of the raw notice data from ( The Chilling Effects database collects and analyzes legal complaints and requests for removal of online materials, helpin...

How to write a good tech job description

Recently I saw a job description of a Brazilian company, more or less like this: Be a CompanyNamer! See job openings for City: Java Developer Needed Knowledge: Bunch of technologies and certifications Now, what’s wrong with this? For starters, there is no description of the...

Jekyll: Reading time without plugins

Estimated reading time of a post is a feature that became popular, I believe, with Medium. There are plenty of Jekyll plugins that address this problem, but, if you want to deploy at GitHub Pages, you can’t use those plugins (GitHub will run with the --safe flag). So, I cre...

OpenSourcing my blog again

Once upon a time, my blog was OpenSource. People liked it and forked it tons of times, but they never change some stuff (disqus, analytics). I got irritated and closed it. Now, I’m reopening it again. I improved the README so I hope now it’s clear that people should c...

Go and the Secure Shell protocol

What is the Secure Shell protocol? Many of us use ssh(1) everyday to administer servers around the world. The Secure Shell protocol, however, allows us to do much more than open secure shells.

Stack Traces In Go

Introduction Having some basic skills in debugging Go programs can save any programmer a good amount of time trying to identify problems. I believe in logging as much information as you can, but sometimes a panic occurs and what you logged is not enough. Understanding the informa...

Jekyll with Sass

I followed @mdo recent article “Using Sass with Jekyll”, and wanted to point out the results. I’m using some version of Lanyon with some custom stuff. So, I had 4 CSS files: 4 CSS files Summing it up, ~22K. It’s not a lot, but, thinking about mobile 3G pla...

The world's first Go distributed hackathon.

Registration is now open for the Gopher Gala - the world’s first Go distributed hackathon. You may have heard of the Rails Rumble, Node Knockout, or Django Dash.

Cron as a file system

9p I read The Styx Architecture for Distributed Systems over a decade ago. The central idea of the paper is that “representing a computing resource as a form of file system, [makes] many of the difficulties of making that resource available across the network disappear&rdqu...

The Other Side of Go: Programming Pictures, the Read, Parse, Draw Pattern

The other side of Go: Programming Pictures, the Read, Parse, Draw Pattern Go has proven to be extremely versatile and well suited to back-end tasks, but sometimes you need a picture, and I’ve found that Go works well for generating visuals as well.