GopherCon 2014 Retrospective(Denver, Colorado - 2014)

It’s a Wrap Gophercon 2014 is in the books. In the end, we had 700 attendees, and it looks to us like everyone enjoyed the experience.

Find the slowest tests of a Java project

I found that it’s pretty hard to have a project with high test coverage and fast build… if the tests are slow, people will feel the need to skip them to speed up the build, and will probably write less tests than they should, afraid that the build will became even sl...

9 MongoDB 2.6 Drivers Released

I’m pleased to announce the coordinated release of drivers in 9 languages in preparation for the release of MongoDB 2.6. This is the largest driver release in the history of MongoDB, both in terms of code changes as well as in terms of drivers released. Official Drivers for C,...

Introduction To Numeric Constants In Go

Introduction One of the more unique features of Go is how the language implements constants. The rules for constants in the language specification are unique to Go. They provide the flexibility Go needs at the compiler level to make the code we write readable and intuitive while...

Gogs: Binary Deployment: The Right Way to Deploy

Gogs: When you’re deploying a binary, you’re doing it Right. This post is published corresponding to the Gogs - Go Git Service v0.2.0 release.

Go development environment for Vim

Go development environment for Vim The reason for creating vim-go Go has a very versatile toolchain and commands that makes Go programming fun. One of the famous tools is gofmt, which automatically reformats the code according to some predefined rules.

PullRequest Coverage Blammer Maven Plugin

At the company I work Pull Requests are part of our culture. When someone opens a Pull Request, we do Code Review. If we think it’s OK, we comment “+1”, or “-1” otherwise. We usually only merge a PR when it has 3 or more “+1” comments. Pa...

Exported/Unexported Identifiers In Go

Introduction One of the first things I learned about in Go was using an uppercase or lowercase letter as the first letter when naming a type, variable or function. It was explained that when the first letter was capitalized, the identifier was public to any piece of code that wan...

Web Form Validation And Localization In Go

Introduction As I improve my knowledge and framework for a Go based web service I am building, I continue to go back and enhance my Beego Sample App. Something I just added recently was providing localized messages for validation errors. I was fortunate to find Nick Snyder's go-i...

2º Joinville Software Meetup

I encouraged people to start using git, showing some of its features.