Singleton Design Pattern in Go

Multi-threaded applications are very complicated, especially when your code is not organized and consistent with how resources are accessed, managed and maintained. If you want to minimize bugs you need philosophies and rules to live by. Here are some of mine: Resource allocation...

How Packages Work in Go

Since I started writing code in Go it has been a mystery to me how best to organize my code and use the package keyword. The package keyword is similar to using a namespace in C#, however the convention is to tie the package name to the directory structure. Go has this web page t...

JPA2 with Guice

Some time ago, I posted here about a simple project that I’ve done in my post-graduation classes. Since I need it in other projects, and also some friends ended up using it in small projects, I decided to evolve it a little bit. So, this is just another post (better, I hope...

Running Go Programs as a Background Process

I have been writing Windows services in C/C++ and then in C# since 1999. Now that I am writing server based software in Go for the Linux OS I am completely lost. What is even more frustrating, is that for the first time the OS I am developing on (Mac OSX) is not the operating s...

Reading XML Documents in Go

I was really surprised how easy it was to read an XML document using the encoding/xml package that comes with the standard library. The package works by defining structs that map the XML document. If you need more flexibility then use Gustavo Niemeyer’s xmlpath package (fou...

Go Go Hugo blog

After after a few months of work I’m happy to display the newest incarnation of

Send an email in Go with smtp.SendMail

I wanted to send an email from my TraceLog package when a critical exception occurred. Fortunately Go’s standard library has a package called smpt which can be found inside the net package. When you look at the documentation you are left wanting. I spent 20 minutes research...

Go's time.Duration Type Unravelled

I have been struggling with using the Time package that comes in the Go standard library. My struggles have come from two pieces of functionality. First, trying to capture the number of milliseconds between two different time periods. Second, comparing that duration in millisecon...

Understanding Defer, Panic and Recover

I am building my TraceLog package and it is really important that the package logs any internal exceptions and prevents panics from shutting down the application. The TraceLog package must never be responsible for shutting down an application. I also have internal go routines tha...

Documenting Go Code With Godoc

As you know if you read my blog, I have been building a set of new utility packages so I can start developing an application server I need for a new project. I am brand new to Go and the Mac OS. Needless to say it has been one hell of an education over the past month. But I don&r...