Things that make me dislike Java

So, I just compiled a little list of things that, I believe, make me dislike Java everyday a little more. This is not a hateful flamewar-guided post. Just my thoughts about a subject. Java has a lot of good points. Starting with community, specs, lot of libraries and so on. I use...

Rails AJAXSpin

A couple of days ago I wrote about how to build a simple and non intrusive AJAX status with CoffeeScript in RubyOnRails. I decided to use my spin in more projects, so, I just gemified it. It is really very simple to use and looks nasty =) You can check the installation steps here...

Dotfiles Are Meant to Be Forked

My desktop Well, it has been a while since I replaced my old (but gold) bash by the great zsh. Anyway, I have my personal computer and my job computer, and, like almost every developer, I create aliases and scripts for everything I have to do repeatedly. Automate all the things!...

MongoDB Driver days hackathon round up

Two times a year the drivers team at 10gen gathers together for a face to face meeting to spend time together working on issues and setting forth our goals for the upcoming six months. In September 2012 we all converged on New York City for the second ever driver days. This time...

Simple RoR AJAX Status

tl;dr A simple tutorial explaining how to made a simple coffeescript that can automagically show and hide a loading spin while doing a ajax call. Hi I just built a simple and non intrusive AJAX status indicator with spin.js and CoffeeScript, and I think that you people may like i...

The Biggest Myths Surrounding Disaster Recovery

There are a variety of reasons businesses either do not have a disaster recovery plan or their current plan is substandard. The beliefs of the people in charge of developing these processes (business owners and IT department) play a significant role in how effective the overall...

Configuring a git server with gitolite

Setup You will need: git git-daemon-run ssh gitolite Install everything: $ apt-get install git ssh gitolite git-daemon-run Generate a SSH key pair The server needs a public/private key pair. So, you will need to generate it: $ ssh-keygen -t rsa Now, will copy it to /tmp folder, w...

Protecting Intellectual Property on Your Blog

The protection of your intellectual property, or any information that you post to your blog, forum or website, can be a tricky subject. While there are those unscrupulous few out there in the cyber world who will purposely copy your words as their own, there are more people that...

A Tour of Acme

A video introduction to Acme, the Plan 9 text editor

Giving the most viewed presentation on slideshare ever at OSCON

At OSCON 2012 in Portland I gave a presentation on building your first MongoDB application. Over 150 people were in the audience, a pretty significant number of this type of hands on tutorial. Certainly worth the weeks of preparation that went into developing it. While at OSCON I...