If you are like me you use Picasa to manage your photos, but recognize that the editing options are very limited. You can easily add a button in Picasa that will allow you to edit the current picture in photoshop.
I took an existing button built for PhotoshopCS3 and updated it to...
According to the project site on GitHub, The Guava project contains several of Google’s core libraries that we rely on in our Java-based projects: collections, caching, primitives support, concurrency libraries, common annotations, string processing, I/O, and so forth.
Yesterday, I wrote a small article talking about Guice and JUnit, so, this time, I’ll just say how to use the small lib that I build (not big deal, one class, one annotation =] )
So, I dont push it to maven central yet, so, you will need to do some work to made it work. Yep...
First of all: Do you use Guice as Depency Injection Container in your Apps? If not, why?
Well, Guice is a lightweight depency injection container made by Google, for Java 5 and above.
I will not explain much more about Guice in this post, maybe another day, in another post.
Other topics in this series - Table of Contents
At the Meet the Go Team session at Google I/O 2012, a question that brought a bunch of different responses from the main people working on Go was ‘What is your favorite Go feature?’. But I lie. The question was actually ‘...
Other topics in this series - Table of Contents
Google Dev, 2012: Getting started with Go, Andrew Gerrand
Boston GDG, 2012: A Tour of Go - interfaces, reflection, and concurrency. Builds a toy web crawler to demonstrate these, Russ Cox (Q&A page)
A Hangout, 2012: Building Go A...
First of all, if you haven’t done it yet, read Getting started with GWT-Bootstrap.
Create the GWT-Project $ mvn archetype:generate \ -DarchetypeRepository=repo1.maven.org \ -DarchetypeGroupId=org.codehaus.mojo \ -DarchetypeArtifactId=gwt-maven-plugin \ -DarchetypeVersion=2....
GWT-Bootstrap is a project that aims to provide all the Twitter Bootstrap styles and widgets to GWT applications. I had this idea in Jan/2012, and it was not a library, initially, I just made a simple InputText and Button widgets as a proof of concept, and then I think: “Wh...
Hi everybody!
One of the classes of my post-graduate was the Java Persistence API (JPA).
The teacher used the “normal” way to create the projects: Eclipse, create libraries with jars that’s needed and create the EntityManagerFactory instance by hand.
It works, b...
Hello everyone :)
I just decided to start posting in my own blog, in English. I had a blog with some friends. The posts were written in Portuguese, it’s Wordpress, and I my last post was a long time ago (because it’s boring post in wordpress).
I don’t really lik...