There is one trait that if possessed can virtually ensure success, the ability to nurture a culture of engaged workers.
Engaged workers do work harder or longer, but that’s not the core benefit, rather an engaged employee will demonstrate commitment, dedication, initiative and...
Git is a fantastic tool and is very useful for deployment. If you can’t install git system wide or don’t want to mess with installing it on the entire system here is an easy way to install it for a single user. This also works well on Mac OS X where installing git is more cha...
Recently a book came out The Presentation Secrets of Steve Jobs: How to be Insanely Great in Front of Any Audience. Jobs has mastered the art of presenting. I thought it would be interesting to look at his presentations over the years. Here are the three biggest announcements...
The NERD Commenter is an indispensable tool when programming in VIM. It understands like a zillion different file types and properly comments each. It can handle single line, multi line, partial line commenting as well as nesting. If you’re programming in VIM you really should...
If you use *nix, no doubt you’ve spent some time on the command line. Here are a few of the most helpful tricks you can use in the bash shell to really optimize your time, impress your friends, and make everyone else feel inferior… not to mention become more productive. Peop...
Today marks the last post of my blog-a-thon. It has been a learning and growing experience. I have blogged more time in the past 4 weeks as I did the prior 52. It was challenging and rewarding.
I feel I have developed as a blogger and having 3 posts a week has brought the blog to...
While it may not seem intuitive taking time out to selflessly help others will help you more than them. This week I haven’t had much time to blog largely because this week many opportunities arose to help others and I took them. Some at work, some outside of work. Helping other...
I was fortunate to be able to attend the Microsoft Launch Developer Preview meeting in NYC. Microsoft is holding these all over the country to prepare IT and developers for the upcoming launch. Overall it was a good meeting and Microsoft is delivering a great product. More import...
According to a study commissioned by Robert Half Technology, an IT staffing company, 54 percent of U.S. companies say they’ve banned workers from using social networking sites like Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn and MySpace while at work. Source: 54% of Companies ban Facebook, Tw...
As social media continues to emerge, many professionals are curious on what is the best way to manage these various networks. For posting updates I have found an invaluable resource. I use it to manage updates across all my networks including Twitter, Facebook,LinkedI...