Swaggerize your APIs

Swagger UI is a great tool and a must have for any respectable API project. It has an intuitive design, all endpoints can be tested from the interface.

Fixing Alerts

As a DevOps/SRE, I spent a reasonable amount of time dealing with metrics and alerts. Usually, companies start with none or few monitoring. One day, they realize they need metrics, alerts, and all the gang. Sure, this will help them fix problems and outages faster, so, they start...

How to make people love your product

I have seen a lot of posts like this subject, but almost all of them were about stuff you should do and almost none of them reflected how I truly feel, how I want a product to be so I can “love” it. If I would make a list, it would look more or less like this: 1. No b...

Go tooling essentials

New to the Go tools? Or do you want to expand your knowledge? This article is about the flags for the Go tools everyone should know. Disclaimer: This article might be slightly biased. This is a collection of flags I personally use and flags people around me having trouble finding...

Memory leaks with mux.Router in Go

Today we found that our web server written in Go has memory leaks and consume around 300M of memory, which is really a lot for our app.

Writing Your First Postmortem

I’m joining the Go team at Google

I am honored to share that I have joined Google as a member of the Go team and will be primarily based in NYC.

Take a REST!

RESTful Web API's are ubiquitous. Time for a minimalistic, five-minutes video tutorial about REST, RESTful API's, and buidling a REST server in Go.

Examples coverage

Go programming language provides many unique good features to write and maintain examples for your packages backed by the testing tools. As an addition to the test coverage and test coverage report, go test also can provide coverage for testable examples. Use the following comman...

Go templates. Helper to render a struct

The Go language comes with a powerful built-in template engine. In Go, we have the template package to help handle templates. We can use functions like Parse, ParseFile and Execute to load templates from plain text or files, then evaluate the dynamic parts.