Glow: Map Reduce for Golang

Having been a Java developer for many years, I have simply lost interest in Java and want to code everything in Go, mostly due to Go’s simplicity and performance.

What is good code?

I’ve been wanting to write this for a long time, just to clarify my thoughts on the subject. Now, on vacations, I took a couple of days and finally did it. This is a personal opinion based on my personal experience and tons of books I have read, and I am not, by any means,...

Symmetric API Testing

I maintain Anaconda, the Twitter client library for Go. There are a lot of interesting things I could write about Anaconda - for example, automatic rate-limiting and throttling using the tokenbucket library.

Lessons in Go Learned while Implementing SHIELD

Quick background: What is SHIELD? SHIELD is a backup solution for Cloud Foundry and BOSH deployed services such as Redis, PostgreSQL, and Docker. (For the interested, here is a quick summary of the basics of BOSH and Cloud Foundry.

Tiny Linux OSes with Go

Small disclaimer: This is much more fun than it is useful For a while now, we’ve been seeing new “cloud” OSes crop up, like CoreOS and RancherOS.

Geographical data manipulation using go

GIS open source world is dominated by C/C++, Java and Python code. Libraries like PROJ4, JTS, GEOS or GDAL are at the core of most of the open source geospatial projects.

Composable Pipelines Improved

I wrote a post here on GopherAcademy earlier this year, about an idea for a “framework-less” pattern for Flow-Based Programming style programs in Go, or let’s just call it “composable concurrent pipelines”.

Hydra: Run your own Identity and Access Management service in <5 Minutes

This article introduces Hydra, the open source micro service alternative to proprietary authorization solutions. It will take you less than five minutes to start up a OAuth2 provider and gain access to a rich features set, including access control and identity management.

Automi: Stream Processing Over Go Channels

As a Go programmer, one of the features that attracted me to the language is the channel-based idiom used for goroutine communications. Channels, along with goroutines, form the basis for the Go concurrency primitives.

Writing an SSH server in Go

When I&rsquo;m working on the Gogs project, there is a need of builtin SSH server, which allows users to preform Git-only operations through key-based authentication.