54% US Companies Ban Social Media... and That's Fine

According to a study commissioned by Robert Half Technology, an IT staffing company, 54 percent of U.S. companies say they’ve banned workers from using social networking sites like Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn and MySpace while at work. Source: 54% of Companies ban Facebook, Tw...

Managing Your Social Media Presence

As social media continues to emerge, many professionals are curious on what is the best way to manage these various networks. For posting updates I have found ping.fm an invaluable resource. I use it to manage updates across all my networks including Twitter, Facebook,LinkedI...

The Death of Search

Social media will be the next innovation in the most unlikely of places, search ( leveraging the community to scale infinitely ). It’s not that people will all together stop searching, but the approach that they take to finding information will become increasingly social (rathe...

How I Blog

Not surprisingly, given my semi random content, I arrive at my posts a few different ways. 1. I better write this down or I’ll never remember it These posts are the result of a rather frustrating night of problem solving. After reading tons of documentation and googling around,...

Analyzing and Improving Conversion

Conversion is one of those core metrics that every business depends on and strives to improve. Improving your conversion rate (while maintaining a consistent traffic level) is the single most important goal any business should have. Not only will your sales increase without addi...

Ranking Social Media

In business it’s common to use sales as a metric to determine success. Songs, albums, books and movies are all ranked on “best seller” charts. While this isn’t a perfect metric, it is largely useful due to the innate control built within. There is friction to a sale in th...

My Own Private Blogathon

Someone once said a goal is a dream until you write it down … in your blog and tell the world about it. In an effort to focus on blogging a bit more frequently I have decided to start a blogathon beginning today. I will write a post every Monday, Wednesday and Friday for th...

Using Nginx as a Load Balancer

Nginx is a relatively new web server that has a light footprint and relatively easy configuration. The following configuration demonstrates how to properly use nginx as a load balancer in front of two web servers. pid /var/run/nginx.pid; events { worker_connections 1024; } http {...

Featured in CIO Magazine!

I don’t know what could be more shocking that opening this month’s edition of CIO magazine and discovering that my blog, this very blog that you are currently reading is one of two blogs featured this month. I am humbled and honored to be mentioned and included with such grea...

Choosing a Hosting Partner

No question about it, choosing a good hosting partner is one of the most important decisions a CTO / CIO can make, especially in a .com company. I recently had to choose a hosting partner for the new portero.com. Since the space changes so rapidly the last provider you used m...