Let's meet

Chapter 3 of The Little Book of Semaphores proposes the following puzzle: Generalize the signal pattern so that it works both ways. Thread A has to wait for Thread B and vice versa. If Thread A runs two statements a1 and a2, and Thread B runs two statements b1 and b2, the requi...

Let's do lunch together… or not

In the introduction to The Little Book of Semaphores (TLBOS), the author presents the following puzzle (rephrased a little): Imagine that Alice and her friend Bob live in different cities, and one day, around dinner time, Alice starts to wonder who ate lunch first that day, she...

The Little (Go) Book of Semaphores

The Little Book of Semaphores, by professor Allen Downey, is a textbook that introduces the principles of synchronization for concurrent programming. It’s available under the GNU Free Documentation License. The book uses Python to illustrate the concepts, but I think Go is...


Hello, world! My regular blog doesn’t really have a main topic, but in recent years it has kept going along the general theme of politics in Costa Rica, with occasional wanderings into information technology. That (and the fact that it’s written in Spanish) has kept m...

Calling Go from Swift

Note: Swift bindings are highly experimental and subject to change. This work must currently be classified as preliminary work and we will be improving APIs in the long term. As a part of the Go Mobile, we have announced tools and packages that make language bindings from Java to...

Continuous Delivery with GitHub, CircleCI, Docker and AWS Elastic Beanstalk

This is just a quick overview of how I did it in antibody’s homepage. Antibody's home page. The site has a very simple index.html plus a service that can discover and download the latest antibody version from GitHub releases. Not sure how relevant this is, but the s...

2º #connect(dev)

I gave a little intro on Docker and talked about when to use it or not. No slides or video available.

Composition with Go

Composition goes beyond the mechanics of type embedding. It’s a paradigm we can leverage to design better APIs and to build larger programs from smaller parts. It all starts from the declaration and implementation of types that have a single purpose. Programs that are archi...

Go cross compilation

Note: This article extends Dave Cheney’s Go 1.5 cross compilers post. Cross compilers got easier with Go 1.5. You don’t have to bootstrap the standard library and toolchain as you used to do prior to 1.5. If cgo is not required The go tool won’t require any bootstrapping if...

Using Docker to Build Debian Packages (Codeship)