Getting started with GWT-Bootstrap

GWT-Bootstrap is a project that aims to provide all the Twitter Bootstrap styles and widgets to GWT applications. I had this idea in Jan/2012, and it was not a library, initially, I just made a simple InputText and Button widgets as a proof of concept, and then I think: “Wh...

Modular Persistence

Hi everybody! One of the classes of my post-graduate was the Java Persistence API (JPA). The teacher used the “normal” way to create the projects: Eclipse, create libraries with jars that’s needed and create the EntityManagerFactory instance by hand. It works, b...

Hello World

Hello everyone :) I just decided to start posting in my own blog, in English. I had a blog with some friends. The posts were written in Portuguese, it’s Wordpress, and I my last post was a long time ago (because it’s boring post in wordpress). I don’t really lik...

Getting Started with MongoDB and PHP

Nearly 3 years ago I discovered a new database that literally changed my life. I know, that’s a pretty bold claim, but it’s true. While leading the engineering team at OpenSky I faced a problem I was well familiar with. How to build a e-commerce product that: 1. Provided perf...

Don't look now, I'm on DZone

I’m happy to announce that going forward you’ll be able to read my articles on DZone as well as DZone has invited me to join their MVB program. They describe their program as: DZone’s Most Valuable Blogger program brings together a group of highly talented blogge...

New personal site powered by GitHub Pages

At 10gen we had new headshots taken recently. I think mine came out great. I took this opporitunity to play with GitHub pages and update You should goto and checkout my new personal page. If you like it, fork it. The entire page is...

spf13-vim 3.0 release and new website

This post is a bit behind the actual releases, but should be announced here nevertheless. Announcing the 3rd major release of spf13-vim. spf13-vim is a distribution of vim plugins and resources for Vim, GVim and MacVim. It is a completely cross platform distribution that stays tr...

Getting started with Drupal and MongoDB

MongoDB is the most full featured scalable database taking the tech world by storm. Drupal is the standard in content management powering magazines, blogs online newspapers and much more. It’s only natural that they would get together to provide a fast dynamic scalable CMS syst...

MongoDB and PHP, The Book

I wrote a book. It is published by O’Reilly, and available now on Amazon, O’Reilly Media and a bunch of other sites, available in both print and as an ebook. From the introduction: What would happen if you optimized a data store for the operations application developers actua...

Backup, Replication and Disaster Recovery

One of the most common concerns people have is how to ensure that their application is safe, secure and available in the event of an emergency. Often I have found that people are mistakenly believe that they are protected when in fact they often have ignored potential scenarios....