Jobs and opportunities in the Go world

Other topics in this series - Table of Contents To assist those who are learning to also find available opportunities, I wanted to maintain a list of the early job postings. If you know of any other openings apart from this list or if any of these are not relevant any more, ki...

Interfaces in Go - Part 2: Aiding adaptable, evolutionary design

Other topics in this series - Table of Contents In discussing interfaces in the first post, I had started off with a familiar example from OOP - a Shaper interface and a couple of concrete shapes that implemented the interface. But as Rob pointed out in this this groups threa...

Windows Power User Tools

I’m a huge fan of Windows 7. It’s the first time I’ve ever run a Microsoft OS on my primary (home) machine. I’ve compiled a set of programs that I have found to be invaluable in using Windows for serious development and computing. All are free and clean of any ads or spyw...

OAuth2: 3-legged authorization in a Go web application

Other topics in this series - Table of Contents OAuth is currently the recommended standard for user authorization. I’ll limit this write up to just examples of using the OAuth standard with Google using Go. However there are a lot of good write ups on the web that explains...

Using an external api in a Go AppEngine program - urlshortener from Google APIs

Other topics in this series - Table of Contents This tutorial is almost exactly the same as, except that we will be doing the same program for the AppEngine. There are a few differences on ho...

Using an external api in a Go web program - urlshortener from Google APIs

Other topics in this series - Table of Contents In this tutorial, we will look at how to use an external API within our go program. The one that we shall use is the URL Shortener API. You can try its present functionality at Enter a URL like http://golangtutor...

Go Templates - Part 3 - Template Sets

Other topics in this series - Table of Contents See also: Go Templates - Part 1 See also: Go Templates - Part 2 A template Set WAS a specific data type that allowed you to group together related templates in one group. Though it does not exist now as an individual data type,...

gotest - unit testing and benchmarking Go programs

Other topics in this series - Table of Contents The Go installation that you have comes with a unit testing package called testing and a tool called go test that you can use to write unit tests. This unit testing framework, like frameworks in other languages, allow you to write...

Analysing a Google AppEnginge for Go program

Other topics in this series - Table of Contents In this section, we shall look at an existing demo program that we ran in the Installation and Setup tutorial. This will be a good place to start analysing and understanding Go programs for the Google AppEngine and will allow us t...

Go packages and goinstall - creating and using your own packages in Go

Other topics in this series - Table of Contents For a small beginner’s introduction to packages you can read my other writeup: Go ‘Hello World’ - A line by line approach. In this tutorial we will look at how you can work with the goinstall tool to create, install, and us...