Control structures - Go if else statement

Other topics in this series - Table of ContentsPrograms need to be able to take up different courses of action based on different situations - if you want to go to the beach turn left, or if you want to go the movies, turn right. The if else statement is a simple control structu...

Creating a Symfony2 Console Command

One of the weaknesses of PHP as a languages has always been it’s ability to write proper command line utilities. Yes PHP is pretty much built to drive the web, and it does that rather well, but there are plenty of reasons to want to be able to write a program that is callable f...

Pandora's IPO ... a sign of the times

Pandora filed their IPO today. By end of day Pandora was worth 3.2 Billion . The amazing thing about stock is it really has no direct correlation to a companies actual performance, but is rather valued based on perception, hype and desire. All very human emotions, not logic. Appa...

Multiple return values from Go functions

Other topics in this series - Table of ContentsGo allows you to have a function that returns multiple values. A function definition that returns three values would be defined similar to: func SumProdDiff(i, j int) (int, int, int) Since there is more than one return value, it i...

Go Templates

Other topics in this series - Table of Contents See also: Go Templates - Part 2 See also: Go Templates - Part 3 - Template Sets When a web service responds with data or html pages, there is usually a lot of content that is standard. Within that there needs to be modifications do...

Web Programming with Go - first web Hello world

Other topics in this series - Table of ContentsIf you’ve already gone through some of the earlier tutorials in this series, you should be quite comfortable getting onto programming the web with Go. Let’s jump right to it and then we shall analyze the code. There is a chance...

Channels in Go - range and select

Other topics in this series - Table of ContentsChannels and rangeThis is the second part of tutorial on channels in Go. If you haven’t yet gone through the first part, Channels in Go, please go through it now. Receivers of data have a problem of knowing when to stop waiting...

Channels in Go

Other topics in this series - Table of ContentsGoroutines allow you to run a piece of code in parallel to others. But to employ it usefully, there are a few additional requirements - we should be able to pass data into the running process and we should be able to get data out of...


Other topics in this series - Table of ContentsGoroutines allow you to execute tasks in parallel - there are many connotations to the word ‘parallel’ in computing, so, take that with a pinch of salt. Parallel for example could mean the same program running on multiple hardwa...

The Browser as an application platform

With Google launching their chrome book is significant as it reflects a substantial shift in the world of computing. For the first time ever, the application platform isn’t the operating system, nor is it adobe air, .net or java, it’s the browser. The browser once, a simple t...