Release early, release often to minimize risk

Release Cycles have been debated for the last 30 years and will certainly be for the next 30. Arguments for longer release cycles with larger releases usually focus on how risky these rapid releases are and the stability and polish these larger releases with their longer cycles b...

My Favorite Rands Posts

If you don’t know Rands (real name Michael Lopp), you should. His blog is full of excellent content from someone who successfully figured out how to transition from managing bits to Managing Humans (also the title of his first book). Whether you are a developer, a tech manage...

Announcing Projects & Presentations

I’ve decided to expand the scope of this site a bit to be more than just a blog. It makes sense, many of my posts are how tos and often for my own projects. Additionally now each project will have a legitimate project “homepage” for things like GitHub where that’s request...

Getting Started with Symfony2

In a follow up to my popular post on Symfony2, the open source PHP framework we use at OpenSky, I’m providing an easy guide to getting started using Symfony2. This isn’t your basic “Hello World”, but a practical guide to beginning a project with Symfony2. Requirements To...

On Symfony2

Disclaimer I’ve got a couple disclaimers in writing this. 1. I’m one of the primary authors of the Zoop Framework for PHP. It’s pretty much the first web framework for PHP dating back to 2001. In spite of it’s age it’s still quite relevant and in use by thousands worldw...

The perfect .vimrc vim config file

I have spent the last few years tweaking and refining my VIM configuration. This is the ultimate VIM configuration .vimrc file. It is well organized and documented. It is on GitHub so you can always grab the latest. It works well alone, but is intended to be paired with the plugi...

The most productive 20 minutes of my day

As part of my new years resolution to get in shape and spend less dough I decided that I’d be better of walking from Grand Central to my office on 18th St. I save ~$5 a day not taking the subway and get all the extra benefit of walking the 1.5 miles. A few days into this someth...

Software Development's Magic Triangle

There’s an old adage “Fast, Cheap, Good; Pick Two”. This situation is called a magic triangle. You can have two and only two, if you try for all three you will compromise all three. Fools often try, losing everything. In the world of software development, another magic tria...

16 lessons from 16 years

I’ve been working in the technology industry for the last 16 years. I’ve learned a lot. I wanted to share the lessons I’ve learned over the past 16 years, I figured one for each year seemed nice. It’s harder to make a short list than a long one and I had to cut out some h...

Selling on OpenSky

As anyone who reads my blog or follows my tweets knows, I’ve been working for a new startup called OpenSky since February 2010. We’ve launched a new ecommerce platform and aim to reinvent ecommerce as people know it online. One of the big things we are doing is making it so a...