Moving to WordPress

I’ve used Drupal to power my blog since I started it over 2 years ago. It has been a bitter sweet relationship, but in general I’ve been pleased. In those two years, WordPress as a product has rocketed past Drupal, and feels much more mature. While Drupal 7 should level the f...

The Golden Hammer

Every so often a “new” technology catches on. Right now it’s nosql databases. A couple years ago it was Ruby, before that it was java. Each arise because they propose a solution to an existing problem, or in other words a better way of doing something.. something, but not e...

NoSQL Databases

Amazon, Digg, Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter all started on sql databases (all but Amazon on MySQL) and have transitioned to incorporated nosql databases into their infrastructure, though many utilize both relational databases as well as non-relational ones. I’ve compiled a few re...

Next Gen PHP Frameworks

With the release of PHP 5.3, PHP released the most significant capabilities in years. Specifically the addition of Late Static Bindings, Lambda Functions and Closures, and Namespaces has changed everything. These new features open new doors for solutions previously impossible. As...

Finding the Right People

Since I began at Open Sky a few weeks ago I have been tasked with building out a great team. Over the course of my career I have interviewed hundreds of people (mostly developers) and hired dozens. At OpenSky I was able to find and hire 6 fantastic employees in my first 6 weeks a...

Zip Files All The Way Down

Did you think it was turtles?


I couldn’t be more excited to announce that I have accepted a position at The Open Sky Project. I am leading the architecture, development and technology. It’s rare in life that one has the opportunity to do what they love to do and be paid to do it. Even rarer is to do some...

UTF-8: Bits, Bytes, and Benefits

The reasons to switch to UTF-8

VIM Crash Course

Most developers know the basics of VIM, enough to edit a conf file, but most stay there, unaware of the power and beauty of vim. One of my developers has expressed desire to abandon the bloated GUI ways of eclipse and discover VIM. I have been using VIM for such a long time I for...

Unix Jobs Management

Every self respecting linux, mac os X or *nix user should have a solid handle on managing jobs in unix. The following will explain how to run tasks in the background, bring tasks to the foreground, background already running tasks and keeping a task running while logged out. Run...