As part of my new years resolution to get in shape and spend less dough I decided that I’d be better of walking from Grand Central to my office on 18th St. I save ~$5 a day not taking the subway and get all the extra benefit of walking the 1.5 miles.
A few days into this someth...
There’s an old adage “Fast, Cheap, Good; Pick Two”. This situation is called a magic triangle. You can have two and only two, if you try for all three you will compromise all three. Fools often try, losing everything.
In the world of software development, another magic tria...
I’ve been working in the technology industry for the last 16 years. I’ve learned a lot. I wanted to share the lessons I’ve learned over the past 16 years, I figured one for each year seemed nice. It’s harder to make a short list than a long one and I had to cut out some h...
As anyone who reads my blog or follows my tweets knows, I’ve been working for a new startup called OpenSky since February 2010. We’ve launched a new ecommerce platform and aim to reinvent ecommerce as people know it online.
One of the big things we are doing is making it so a...
I came across an article today titled “Help! My boss is on twitter“. Allow me to share a secret with you, if you current boss isn’t on twitter yet, I can guarantee that your next one will be. Social media has caught on like wildfire. In all the excitement too often people...
I have spent the last few years tweaking and refining my VIM configuration until I had the Ultimate Vim Config. It is well organized and documented taking full advantage of Tpope’s pathogen for a excellent clean and modular configuration. The Ultimate vim config contains the pe...
I’ve used Drupal to power my blog since I started it over 2 years ago. It has been a bitter sweet relationship, but in general I’ve been pleased. In those two years, WordPress as a product has rocketed past Drupal, and feels much more mature. While Drupal 7 should level the f...
Every so often a “new” technology catches on. Right now it’s nosql databases. A couple years ago it was Ruby, before that it was java. Each arise because they propose a solution to an existing problem, or in other words a better way of doing something.. something, but not e...
Amazon, Digg, Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter all started on sql databases (all but Amazon on MySQL) and have transitioned to incorporated nosql databases into their infrastructure, though many utilize both relational databases as well as non-relational ones.
I’ve compiled a few re...
With the release of PHP 5.3, PHP released the most significant capabilities in years. Specifically the addition of Late Static Bindings, Lambda Functions and Closures, and Namespaces has changed everything. These new features open new doors for solutions previously impossible. As...